Sports and PE Premium

At Earley St Peter's, we are committed to promoting the well-being of our pupils by ensuring they understand the importance of healthy life choices. We actively promote physical activity through curriculum provision and curriculum enhancement opportunities.

By using this funding strategically, our goal is to sustainably increase participation in Physical Education and Sports, whilst also ensuring positive attitudes towards physical health and well-being. We aim to:

  • Increase engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity 
  • Continue to raise the profile of physical education and active play as a tool for whole school improvement
  • Continue to develop staff confidence, knowledge and skills in the teaching PE and sport
  • Offer a broader experience and range of sports and activities to all pupils

Click HERE to see our 2022/23 PE and Sports Premium Report

Following the Olympics, schools across Britain are being provided with funding in order to improve the health and wellbeing of all pupils through sport and exercise. At Sonning we are committed to promoting the well-being of our pupils, staff and school community. By using this extra funding strategically, broadly and in a sustainable way we hope to improve the health and well-being of our school community.

Through the funding our goal is to increase participation in sports, introduce alternative sporting activities, increase opportunities for competition, develop partnerships with local sporting organisations and improve the overall health and achievement of pupils through sport and exercise. This will be achieved through the purchasing of new sporting equipment, introduction of new activities, working collaboratively with local primary and secondary schools, funding sporting opportunities for pupil, including pupils eligible for free school meals and buying in various sports coaches to deliver clubs and training for staff in order to raise the quality of PE teaching.