
Earley St. Peter’s Church of England Primary School is an academy within The Keys Academy Trust. This means we set our admissions policy, which is determined by The Trust, independently of the local authority. We are bound by the government Code of Practice for admissions and co-ordinate our admissions timetable with that of the local authority, for the admission of children into the Reception year. Parents apply before the closing date in the January before the September of the school year in which their child will reach 5 years old.

The main difference between an academy like ours and a local authority school is that we also admit children, one of whose parents is a regular worshiper at St. Peter’s – but who might not live in our catchment area or have siblings at the school already.

Demographic changes are affecting schools throughout the area, and we are a big school offering 70 places per academic year. We are happy to welcome children whose parents want a place at Earley St. Peter’s Church of England Primary School and you may get a place, even if you do not live in our catchment area.

So, if you are interested in exploring the possibility of offering your child the first rate education we can provide at Earley St. Peter’s Church of England Primary School, please make an appointment to meet the Headteacher and tour the school with our pupil guides. This can be arranged by calling the School Office - 0118 9261657 or by email

Please click here to see our school video

Supplementary Information Form (SIF)

Please note, only families applying for a place under the oversubscription criteria relating to church attendance (number 5) are required to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF). 




For Nursery admissions please click here