Chair of Governors’ Welcome

Welcome to the governor page of our school website. Here you will find out information about the role of governors, who we are and how to contact us.

Governors are responsible to The Keys Academy Trust for monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of our school, working closely with the Headteacher and staff. They act as a critical friend and are not involved in the day to day working of the school but work more strategically looking at how we can achieve our vision of Building Strong Foundations for the future so that every child can achieve their full potential.

All governors are volunteers. They are appointed to the Local Governing Body (LGB) by The Keys Academy Trust. Elections take place within school to elect our parent and staff governors so do look out for information on future vacancies or contact me for more information.

We meet as a full governing body twice a term and then in two main committees – Child Development and Personnel, Finance and Premises. In addition, we have a number of smaller working groups which are involved in developing and reviewing different aspects of the work of the school and for specific projects working on areas of our School Development Plan. Governors are also linked to different subjects and are encouraged to visit classes and meet with subject leaders to gain a better understanding of how the school operates. Governors are also linked to specific roles for areas such as safeguarding, health and safety, training, special needs, pupil premium and how we demonstrate our Christian ethos as a Church of England School.

Governors can be contacted via the Governor email address below:

or in writing via the school office.

You can also see us at school events. Full Governing Body minutes are available on the website or on request from the office.


As governors we are committed to raising standards and hope you will work in partnership with school staff and as part our community to fulfil our vision, goals and aspirations. We believe that Earley St. Peters CE Primary School is a dynamic and creative learning environment where within our Christian ethos all children and adults are valued and respected and diversity is celebrated.

Please click here to find out about our current School Governors. 

The Earley St Peter's Governing Body is structured in the following way:


Please see the following for Governor roles: